Como usuário ferrenho de ebooks, tenho acompanhado os movimentos do mercado e as reações de escritores, autores e livrarias frente a essa nova realidade. No site iO9 achei esse depoimento da autora americana Karen Traviss sobre a decisão dela de publicar sua nova série, "Going Grey", de forma totalmente independente, utilizando as plataformas de auto publicação, tipo da Amazon. Eis um trecho:
"But mention indie publishing – direct publishing, self publishing, call it what you will and you'll still trigger knee-jerk frothing among writers in opposing camps. Some of that is fuelled by partisan reactions to Amazon, the main driver of the rapid growth of the independent sector. One camp claims Amazon is the evil empire that destroyed bookstores, and all the indies it's spawned are people who can't get published any other way: the other camp says Amazon has dismantled the Berlin Wall of giant publishers and retailers – "Big Publishing" – to give more freedom to more writers."
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